Boy Meets World
Boy Meets world, created by Michael Jacobs and April Kelly is an American sitcom which gives you a look at the every day life lessons of Cory Matthews, played by Ben Savage. Personally, this was my favourite sitcom growing up due to the fact that it taught me lessons about life that I could easily relate to, also the entire cast always managed to keep the audience entertained until the very last second of each episode.
The show was based on a young boy who didn’t exactly fit in growing up, however he had a best friend who was there through thick and thin for him, Shawn Hunter (Ryder Strong). Also, a little later in the series, Cory (Ben Savage) falls in love with who was said to be the weirdest girl in their class, Topanga Lawrence (Danielle Fishel). The series allows the audience to see Cory grow up before their eyes as it shows him going through middle school, high school and college, where he finally marries Topanga.
In my opinion, the entire cast done an outstanding job from the very first episode of the series until the very last episode. Cory Matthews was the protagonist of the show, and throughout the series the audience watched him grow from an ignorant child to a well-rounded individual. Cory had to learn many life lessons that are actually valuable to everyday life. He dealt with things that actually happen in the real world. He had a brother that seemed absent during his childhood, a little sister that continuously bothered him, a father that he claimed was “average”, heartbreak from his girlfriend moving away, not being as “cool” as his best friend, and he had to learn how to deal with the world changing around him. Throughout the entire series, Cory was the only person to ever say that Topanga and himself were destined to be together. Topanga was always an awkward person, but she was never embarrassed to be herself. She was always there for Cory, even when he acted irrationally. Throughout the series she had to deal with her parents separating, and come to terms with the fact that not every relationship is destined to fail. Shawn always managed to deal with Cory when no one else could. He was always the most honest person on the show, due to his past. He had a rough upbringing, his mother ran away after he was born, and he managed to come to terms with that. Later in the show, he finds out the person that he thought was his mother was not, and shortly after his father passed away when Shawn started college. He had to deal with discovering he had a half-brother, that was rich, while Shawn himself had to grow up in a trailer park with nothing. The only reliable thing Shawn ever had was Cory, and he was the only one that could handle him at times.
Overall, Boy Meets World was very successful running for seven seasons, in addition a spin-off was created called Girl Meets World, which features Corey and Topanga as adults with children of their own. If the spin-off can fill the footsteps of the original it will be an excellent show for children of this generation to grow up with. Personally, Boy Meets World taught me more than I will ever know. It was a very real atmosphere, and most of the viewers will face the same issues as characters in the show. I would recommend this show to anyone, because anyone can relate to the issues raised, and the characters dealing with them.